Spotify Windowing Integrated!

We’re extremely happy to announce the integration of Spotify Windowing. MusicDigi clients can now deliver their music to Spotify's premium tier two weeks ahead of your official release date. 
This is an amazing service that is only available to MusicDigi and our members. No other distributor offers it. So if you’re using a different distributor, click here for a 15% discount and switch to MusicDigi today. 

What is a Spotify Windowing?  
Spotify Windowing, is a flexible release feature that lets artists place their albums exclusively on Spotify’s premium tier for two weeks ahead of the official release date, meaning paying subscribers will get to listen to the new album earlier than the free tier.
What are the benefits of a Spotify Windowing?
  • Reach millions of new listeners and fans  
  • Earn double royalties during Spotify Windowing period. 
  • Music Streaming Counts Towards Music Charts
  • Spotify automatic Alert & notifications to your followers 
  • Free Promotion
How do i setup Spotify Windowing
Spotify Windowing is a FREE service for all MusicDigi members. You can set up Spotify Windowing directly in your MusicDigi account as part of the upload process.
Ready to take the next step? Sign up here to become a member today and start releasing music in under 5 minutes.   


MusicDigi is the smart, easy way to get your music on the world’s biggest platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, and more.

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