26-09-2017 / BY MUSICDIGI / TIPS

5 Tips for Music Pros on How to Get Music on iTunes

If you're a musician, a producer, or own a label, then you know how important iTunes is for music and distribution.

The platform has 800 million active accounts, with almost all of those accounts having a credit card attached, you can see how important iTunes is for music sales.

But what you might not know is how to get music on iTunes. The importance of the platform is unquestionable, but understanding exactly how to add your music to this popular service isn't exactly easy.
We are going to take you through 5 tips on how to get music on iTunes. Hopefully, these tips can help you get your music out to a large audience while also helping you understand your options.

1. Understand the Requirements

There are two basic ways that you can go about getting your music on iTunes. You can either work directly with Apple, or you can work with a third-party company.
Unfortunately, if you are going to work directly with Apple, getting your music onto iTunes isn't as simple as uploading your songs. We will go over the third-party route later in the article.
Working directly with Apple involves filling out a long and thorough application. This will be time-consuming and difficult, so you should know exactly what is on the application as you begin the process.
Besides the long application, there are also specific requirements that you must meet if you want to continue with this option of working directly with Apple.
There are technical requirements, content requirements, and financial requirements, all of which are detailed on the application. While some are not hard to fulfill, like having an Apple ID, some others could be difficult for some people, like having a certain amount of hard drive space.
You should be familiar with the application process and the requirements as you move forward with this approach.

2. How to Get Music on iTunes: Time and Dedication

Between creating the music, preparing it for distribution, understanding the application process for iTunes, and fulfilling the requirements, it's no wonder this process is time-consuming.
With all of these things needing attention and dedication, you'll need to set aside an ample amount of time to work on it. Staying dedicated to the task and putting all your effort into it will be crucial if you want your application to be accepted.
You don't want all of your hard work you put into your music to be squandered with a hurried, sub-par application.

3. Work With a Reliable Company

We haven't made the "work directly with Apple" route sound easy, and that's because it isn't. It is not only time consuming and detailed, but many musicians don't meet the requirements that we mentioned earlier.
Instead of that route, many musicians choose to work with a third-party company that can take care of the digital distribution onto multiple platforms for them.
MusicDigi is one such digital distribution company that can help you sell your music so that you don't have to work with Apple directly. With companies like ours, you register, upload your music and your album art, and you're basically good to go. The company will then take care of all of the complicated stuff while you just wait a couple of days and your music will be on iTunes.
When working with a company, be sure to take note of whether you will keep 100% of your earnings, rights, and royalties, as some companies might not allow that.

4. Encode Your Music Properly

While Apple will do encoding on your music for downloading, it is best to also do some work on your music yourself. You want to supply it to Apple or to the third-party company you work with in the best possible quality. 
Your music files should be at or better than 24-bit 96kHz resolution. Before you do any encoding, you should read up on Apple's guidelines that they list in their "Mastered for iTunes" manual. They go through the best ways to deliver your music.
Apple also has tools you can use, including software that you can upload your music files to convert it to the specific iTunes Plus format. 
This can not only make the process easier but also help your music sound better once it is on iTunes.

5. Choose Your Route Wisely

We've gone through the two general ways of how to get music on iTunes. Each comes with positives and negatives that you will have to consider for yourself and your current situation.
Many people don't have the time or have the qualifications necessary to work directly with Apple, making working with a third party the appropriate choice. It is also simpler to have a company take care of a lot of the paperwork and bureaucratic aspects instead of having to do it yourself, which can be challenging.
You will need to pick which company you work with wisely as well. There are many companies out there that could take advantage of you and take a cut of your earnings. Be sure to understand exactly what you're entering into when you work with a third party.
But, some people prefer and are able to do it themselves. Really consider which method will work best for you and your needs when it comes to your music's digital distribution.

Wrapping Up

While it might seem like a complicated process, getting your music on iTunes is definitely worth it. With millions of potential buyers using this digital music application, the possibilities are endless for your music career when you have music on iTunes.
Learning how to get music on iTunes can be challenging, so we hope that these tips have helped you get closer to getting your music there. If getting your music on iTunes still seems daunting, we can make it easy for you.

If you've made great music and you still don't have it in stores, you can learn how to distribute and sell your music online here 
Feel free to contact us with any questions or if you need any more information. We can help you get your music on iTunes and other services quickly and easily.

MusicDigi is the smart, easy way to get your music on the world’s biggest platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, and more.

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